Sunday, May 15, 2011

A New View of Literature

Over the last couple months we've all studied and reviewed quite a few things. In English, we have studied the sociological and philosophical approaches to analyzing literature, and even what it is that makes a piece of literature have any value to it. Sometimes I think, "Where the heck did that analysis come from and who cares!?" Why do we have to read some of these novels or poems that English teachers have us read? What does it matter to us? Over this past school year it all finally clicked.  It is true that I still find doing a math problem more entertaining than writing an essay, but thanks to this past year I can finally say that I understand why we read what we read and what value literature really contains. Now, whenever I see a poem I can pick out all of the archetypes and allusions and see the poem in an entirely new light.  When I see an analysis of a piece of literature, instead of arguing that the analyzer just made a bunch of "crazy" stuff up that sounds nice, I agree with the analysis and use it to help me continue finding much of the piece's value.  So, what is the value of literature and why are we reading and studying it? I have found that for me, above all of the points and arguments being made or beliefs given, literature is a very valuable tool in helping me to think.  Now that I am aware of it, as I think back over all my schooling years I can see that after reading and understanding any piece of literature with any value to it, I have used it as a vehicle for thought. I debate with myself about what my own opinion is on the subject being discussed and compare it to everyone else's.  I have always just thought that literature had no real purpose other than entertaining those who actually enjoyed reading it, but finally, just as I am about to leave high school, I can see that it does have a purpose. It helps us to think and ponder, to value and consider others opinions, and ultimately to become more enriched people. Thank you Mrs. Elliott! :)

Chad L.